Website Design Terms & Conditions
UPDATED ON 2024-01-24
At Concoct Studio, we pride ourselves in doing our best to meet defined goals and fulfil your design-related needs, but it is necessary to ensure that a few simple things are outlined should any unforeseen questions or issues arise. In these terms, you won’t find complicated legal terms or large passages of confusing text. We wish to maintain clarity and want you to know exactly what to expect.
As our client, you have the power to enter into this project on behalf of your company or organization. You agree to provide us with everything necessary to complete the project including logo, text, images, link(s) to social media, hosting credentials, and any other information we request as we need it, and in the format we require. We wish to avoid any delays. Deadlines work both ways and you as well will be bound by any dates/timelines that we set forth. You also agree to adhere to the payment schedule outlined in this agreement. We have the experience and ability to perform the requested services and will carry out our work in a professional and timely manner. We cannot be held responsible for a missed deadline if you’ve not provided all content and/or revisions on time.
Our estimated time required to complete your website is highlighted in the Proposal we supplied you. We will commence the work after we have received the non-refundable initial deposit of 50%. Please also keep in mind that we rely on you and your team to provide us with the necessary assets (including but not limited to website text, photos, social media, products, pricing, etc.), and approvals in order for us to work on your website, and to avoid impacting your website launch date. If content and feedback isn’t provided in a timely manner the project will be postponed.
Error Review
We provide you with a 30-day window from the date of website migration to your hosting for error review. This does not include new website revisions, but errors that may have occurred during migration. It is your responsibility as the client to review your website during this time and point out any errors to be corrected. Any error that you find after the 30 days, will be charged our hourly rate of $75.
Migration of Website
Once the project deliverables have been approved, we require full payment of your project’s remaining balance before migrating your website onto your hosting. From the time the website is completed and ready for launch, you have a maximum of 4 weeks to provide us with your hosting and domain information. If that information is not provided, there’s a possibility that the website will be removed from our server without notice. Extensions can be provided upon written request.
Browser Functionality
All of our websites are tested for functionality on current Safari, Chrome, Firefox internet browsers. We do not guarantee that your website will look exactly the same on every screen, and may appear differently due to varying screen resolutions and aspect ratios.
We’ve prepared the price we’ve quoted you based on everything that we have discussed, including any correspondence via email, in-person, or phone calls. The breakdown is outlined in the Proposal document which includes the scope of work, project objectives, tasks, deliverables, certain terms, conditions and requirements as well as payment of the project. We are only responsible for the items outlined in the Proposal. Items not included in the Proposal are not part of the project nor have they been included in the quoted cost.
Please review the original Proposal and if you have any additional feature requests, changes in tasks, changes in deliverables or any scope modifications, beyond what was agreed on in the original Proposal, additional billable time will be incurred to you as the client at our hourly rate of $75.
Changes and Revisions
We don’t want to limit your ability to change your mind. The price at the beginning of the project is based on the time that we estimate we’ll need to accomplish everything you’ve told us you want to achieve, but we’re happy to be flexible. If you want to change your mind or add anything new, that won’t be a problem as we’ll provide a separate estimate for those additional hours.
You’re responsible for the cost of any outside paid assets (unless otherwise noted in the Proposal). This is included but not limited to hosting, domains, SSL certificates (if not provided by your hosting), third party plugins (if not included in the proposal), stock images, and premium fonts. In addition, we cannot be held liable for the functionality of third-party plugin or software, recommended or otherwise.
Displaying Our Work
We love to show off our work, so we reserve the right to display all aspects of our creative work, including sketches, work-in-progress designs and the completed project on our portfolio.
Technical Support
We’re not a website hosting company so we don’t offer support for website hosting, email or other services relating to hosting. You may already have professional hosting and you might even manage that hosting in-house; if you do, great. If you don’t, we will recommend one of our preferred hosting providers. We can set up your site on a server, plus any statistics software such as Google Analytics and will provide a separate estimate for that (unless included in Proposal). Then, the updates to, and management of that server will be up to you. Any faults related to hosting, security certificates, email, the security of the usernames or password will not be the responsibility of Concoct Studio.
Concoct Studio will do everything possible to build you an amazing website, but we accept no liability for your sales, revenue, and/or the success of your business directly, indirectly, or consequentially.
We’re entering a mutually beneficial project but a ‘get out’ clause is helpful from time to time. Either party can cancel at any time. There will be no refund on any payments made if cancelled by you, unless we could not deliver your project as set in the Proposal. If we cancel we will only bill you for work that has been done up until the point of cancellation.
We’re sure you understand how important it is as a small business that you pay the invoices that we send you promptly. As we’re also sure you’ll want to stay friends, you agree to stick tight to the payment schedule as shown in the Proposal. The appropriate bank account / payment details will be printed on our electronic invoice.
- Concoct Studio does not offer any website accessibility compliance, ADA compliance or any such accessibility compliance on any website. Concoct Studio also waives any liability for any website accessibility requirements on current and legacy projects.
- A two hour fee will be charged to reload the backup and restore the original signed off the website.
- Any changes made by the client after sign-off and hand over that may cause the website to break or files to corrupt will not be the responsibility of Concoct Studio.
- The OnPage SEO is once off. No article writing, PR submission, URL submission or ongoing month to month SEO will be done.
- Google Address listing and Google MAP properties are not included.
- Photoshop and using Photoshop will not be included in the training.
- No advertising banners or ads will be created.
- Concoct Studio will not be liable for any unforeseen time constraints due to hosting, content, or client hold-ups, malfunction or unavailabilities.